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范  思  琪 

Fan, Sih - Ci






為什麼是原子筆? 使用原子筆創作,當初選用的理由是,因為它隨手可得,且只要會握筆,就可使用。如此,在創作時,便可專注在探索和線條上。然而原子筆使用到今天,它既可透亮又可厚重的表現性,同是吸引我繼續使用原子筆創作的原因。


     For me, to create is a mysterious and indescribable process. What is it exactly? I choose to find the answer from within my heart. This journey is not burdened by heavy and cumbersome baggage. It is simple and direct from my soul. In this journey, I draw lines in order to better understand it. I try to meet it in the rhythmic beats of static motion and to converse with it through my physical body. Now, this explorative journey has been going on for years and because of it, the fast-moving world has slowed down. I could see myself in the world and rediscover the link in between us. Here, there is nothing to pursue here and nothing to leave behind – merely myself freely pacing along to the rhythm of the world around me.


     Why use a ballpoint pen? I started using the ballpoint pen in my creations because it is readily available. If you can hold a pen you can use it – even if one lacks skillful techniques. Then, I could focus on exploration and drawing lines of my own. Today, I can use the ballpoint pen to express both bright and heavy elements, and that is why it is still my tool of choice. 









     What is printmaking? What is it to me exactly? Printmaking, compared with other media, requires higher levels of skills and techniques. The “plate” is the medium for creating multiple prints and this process of printmaking often requires complex steps and great physical labor expended for each copy. For myself, I largely prefer and enjoy the physical labor of printmaking compared to the expression of images on the plates. I adore the intimacy of coming in contact with the plate. Therefore, I attempt to make “printmaking” a part of my everyday life, and as a tool for recording my own livelihood. 



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